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Pengalaman Saya Pindah Sekolah Keluar Kota
Pada waktu saya kelas VIII semester 2 saya pindah sekolah dari SMPN 3 Sukaraja ke SMP Iskandar Said Surabaya, awalnya saya ingin pindah ke sekolah negeri, yaitu SMPN 13 Surabaya. Ternyata tidak bisa dikarnakan akreditasi sekolah yang berbeda dan juga harus mempunyai KK (Kartu Keluarga) dari Surabaya.
Akhirnya saya terpaksa harus sekolah di swasta, walaupun swasta tetapi sekolah tersebut cabang dari Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif Nahdhatul Ulama.
Saat pertama saya masuk sekolah, saya tidak mengerti apa apa, masuk pagi ternyata kelas VII dan IX, akhirnya saya disuruh masuk bagian siang. Saya dikasih jadwal oleh guru, saya dimasukkan ke kelas VIII E.
Saat masuk sekolah pukul 12.15 dari rumah, setelah sampai disekolah baru sampai juga sudah gerah, karna cuaca di Surabaya sangat panas, meskipun musim hujan masih terasa gerah. Saya masuk ke kelas saya yaitu kelas VIII E, saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka dan belum mengenal mereka. Lama lama setelah seminggu saya sekolah akhirnya saya kenal dengan beberapa teman saya, namun saya masih belum mengerti dengan bahasa mereka. Sekian dari cerita saya terima kasih.

My experience Move City School Exit
At the time I class VIII 2nd half I moved the school from junior high school SMPN 3 Sukaraja to Iskandar Said Surabaya, first I want to move to a state school, which SMPN 13 Surabaya. It can not be due to a different school accreditation and should also have KK (family card) from Surabaya.
Finally I had to school in private, although private but the school is a branch of Nahdlatul Ulama Maarif Education Institute.
The first time I entered the school, I do not understand anything, get in the morning turned out to class VII and IX, and finally I was told to enter part of the afternoon. I was given a schedule by the teacher, I was put into a class VIII E.

When going to school at 12:15 of the house, until after the new school until also been frustrated, because the weather is very hot in Surabaya, although the rainy season still feels hot. I went into my class is class VIII E, I do not understand their language and do not know them. Old school long after a week I finally am familiar with some of my friends, but I still do not understand their language. A few of my story thanks.


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